Highlights of the past year

2023 was an active year for VIA. Read more about the year in the annual report.

Helen Roth
Sist oppdatert:
Forskning og innovasjon

2023 was an active year for VIA, and the organization has established itself as a serious innovation catalyst in the construction industry.

As a national network for transport infrastructure, we facilitate collaboration, entrepreneurship and innovation throughout the value chain. Among last year's highlight are the start-up of four new innovation projects:

Pre-project and main project for Smarter Tunnels

Smarter Tunnels is a corporate network that originated in VIA. The member company Impresa Pizzarotti is the initiator and project owner on behalf of a total of 12 cluster members, and VIA provides the service as project manager. The companies' common goal with the network is to develop and deliver solutions for smarter and more secure tunnels through increased use of AI and integrated systems.

Preliminary study for the project Solar Power in Transport

In cooperation with the Solar Energy Cluster, VIA has focused on the potential that lies in the interaction between solar and transport. Norconsult, commissioned by industry clusters, has mapped the potential for the creation of solar power on areas allocated for transport infrastructure in Norway.

Project Sustainable value chain and material use in road construction

The Project has a framework of NOK 125 million and will test at least 10 different pilots with new, sustainable materials and solutions for use in road bodies, tunnels and road structures. Nye Veier is the project owner and VIA is responsible for project management.

In addition, the Innovation Arena brought together 270 participants from across the value chain to discuss innovation and climate-smart solutions for road, bridge and tunnel. The event is in cooperation with Statens vegvesen and Nye Veier. Innovation Arena 2024 is in Kristiansand on October 22.

See the 2023 Annual Report below and read more about the projects and highlights from last year.