We welcome Vestland and Agder county municipalities as members in VIA!

County councils are like road owners builders in a number of major road projects.


With Vestland and Agder county municipalities on the team, VIA can do an even better job facilitating increased cooperation between the public sector, academia and private business.

“As a member of VIA, we in Vestland County Municipality have access to a unique cluster of actors before the transport area. The fact that we have access to Norway's leading transport infrastructure network will make it easier to support efforts to achieve the main objective of the Regional Transport Plan for Western Norway 2022—2033, that Vestland should have a safe, efficient and future-proof transport system that facilitates climate- and environmentally-friendly mobility and sustainable community development.

Membership gives us access to a collaboration that can make both us and our suppliers better informed about needs and priorities, and what suppliers can offer.

VIA creates meeting spaces, offers advice and initiates development projects. They facilitate dialogue between customer and supplier. Klynga will strengthen its members' abilities for the commercialization of new technologies and new solutions. For Vestland County Council, this will be useful in the work on development measures in the action programme of the Regional Transport Plan, which VIA can contribute to the implementation of.”

Amalie Bjelland Malmo, Adviser - Management, Surveying and Geodata, Vestland County Council

“The membership is a direct sequel to the work done at Agder County Municipality together with academia (UiA) and the industry. As a member of VIA, we gain knowledge and connected networks towards an important national cluster for secure, smart and sustainable infrastructure. Agder County Council will contribute to creating innovation in cooperation with the public sector, industry and academia.”

Vidar Ose, advisor in strategy and mobility in Agder County Council