VIA member of A.SPIRE

In July, VIA was admitted as a member in A.SPIRE.


A.SPIRE is a member organisation for the European Process Industry and is responsible for managing the Horizon Europe partnership, Processes4Planet (P4Planet). A.SPIRE currently has around 180 industry and research members from more than 20 European countries, including Norway. By bringing together different industries, A.SPIRE aims to ensure the development of enabling technologies at all stages of existing value chains that will contribute to a resource-efficient process industry, and make European industry more circular and climate-neutral.

VIA has several members who work every day on the same issues as A.SPIRE. Through membership, VIA, together with its members, has the opportunity to contribute to the development of the process industry of the future and to meet research and innovation needs through the design of calls for Horizon Europe. In addition, VIA gets the opportunity to attend the matchmaking event and can get into project development processes early. It will also provide increased visibility in Europe that will bring benefits in terms of highlighting innovation needs and policy development. It will provide an increased opportunity for cooperation with other industrial sectors across Europe. This can create synergies and collaboration across the entire value chain.

VIA is very pleased to be a member of A.SPIRE, and hopes that this will lead to more projects, a larger network and exciting partners, as well as increased visibility for the cluster and VIA's members.