Webinar: Climate Action and Innovation in NTP 2025-2036

VIA invites to webinar on National Transport Plan 2025-2036


On March 22, the government put forward proposals National Transport Plan for 2025----in 2036. The overall goal of NTP is an efficient, environmentally friendly and safe transport system throughout the country by 2050. The Government starts from the climate and natural crisis and assumes that in the next NTP period we will take care of what we have, improve where we can, make better use of the capacity of existing infrastructure and transport, and only build new ones when necessary.

  • What will be the consequences of the proposed plan?
  • How does the plan respond to the challenges associated with the green shift?

These are questions we will shed light on in the webinar April 25, 11 a.m.


Introduction V/Helen Roth General Manager of VIA

The main points of the National Transport Plan 2025 — 2036 v/ State Secretary Tom Kalsås (AP)

NHO's Reflections to NTP 2025-2036 V/Thomas Felde Senior Advisor at NHO

OFV's reflections to NTP 2025-2036 v/ Rikard Gaarder Knutsen Head of Department in the Swedish Road Traffic Information Council (OFV)


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Webinar: Climate Action and Innovation in NTP 2025-2036

On March 22, the government put forward proposals National Transport Plan for 2025----in 2036. The overall goal of NTP is an efficient, environmentally friendly and safe transport system throughout the country by 2050. The Government starts from the climate and natural crisis and assumes that in the next NTP period we will take care of what we have, improve where we can, make better use of the capacity of existing infrastructure and transport, and only build new ones when necessary.

  • What will be the consequences of the proposed plan?
  • How does the plan respond to the challenges associated with the green shift?

These are questions we will shed light on in the webinar April 25, 11 a.m.


Introduction V/Helen Roth General Manager of VIA

The main points of the National Transport Plan 2025 — 2036 v/ State Secretary Tom Kalsås (AP)

NHO's Reflections to NTP 2025-2036 V/Thomas Felde Senior Advisor at NHO

OFV's reflections to NTP 2025-2036 v/ Rikard Gaarder Knutsen Head of Department in the Swedish Road Traffic Information Council (OFV)

April 25, 2024
April 25, 2024